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Automotive Gasoline

3.2. Automotive Gasoline and Automotive Gasoline-Oxygenate Blends

3.2.1. Posting of Antiknock Index Required. -- All automotive gasoline and automotive gasoline-oxygenate blends shall post the antiknock index in accordance with applicable regulations, 16 CFR Part 306 issued pursuant to the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act, as amended. 
3.2.2. When the Term "Leaded" may be Used. -- The term "leaded" shall only be used when the fuel meets specification requirements of paragraph Use of Lead Substitute must be Disclosed. -- Each dispensing device from which gasoline or gasoline-oxygenate blends containing a lead substitute is dispensed shall display the following legend: "Contains Lead Substitute." The lettering of this legend shall not be less than 12 mm (1/2 in) in height and the color of the lettering shall be in definite contrast to the background color to which it is applied.3.2.4. Nozzle Requirements for Leaded Fuel. -- Each dispensing device from which gasoline or gasoline-oxygenate blends that contain lead in amounts sufficient to be considered "leaded" gasoline, or lead substitute engine fuel, is sold shall be equipped with a nozzle spout having a terminal end with an outside diameter of not less than 23.63 mm (0.930 in).3.2.5. Prohibition of Terms. -- It is prohibited to use specific terms to describe a grade of gasoline or gasoline-oxygenate blend unless it meets the minimum antiknock index requirement shown in Table Method of Retail Sale. -- Type of Oxygenate must be Disclosed. -- All automotive gasoline or automotive gasoline-oxygenate blends kept, offered, or exposed for sale, or sold at retail containing at least 1.5 mass percent oxygen shall be identified as “with” or “containing” (or similar wording) the predominant oxygenate in the engine fuel. For example, the label may read “contains ethanol” or “with MTBE.” The oxygenate contributing the largest mass percent oxygen to the blend shall be considered the predominant oxygenate. Where mixtures of only ethers are present, the retailer may post the predominant oxygenate followed by the phrase “or other ethers” or alternatively post the phrase “contains MTBE or other ethers.” In addition, gasoline-methanol blend fuels containing more than 0.15 mass percent oxygen from methanol shall be identified as “with” or “containing” methanol. This information shall be posted on the upper 50 percent of the dispenser front panel in a position clear and conspicuous from the driver’s position in a type at least 12.7 mm (½ in) in height, 1.5 mm (1/16 in) stroke (width of type).(Amended 1996)3.2.7. Documentation for Dispenser Labeling Purposes. -- The retailer shall be provided, at the time of delivery of the fuel, on an invoice, bill of lading, shipping paper, or other documentation, a declaration of the predominant oxygenate or combination of oxygenates present in concentrations sufficient to yield an oxygen content of at least 1.5 mass percent in the fuel. Where mixtures of only ethers are present, the fuel supplier may identify either the predominant oxygenate in the fuel (i.e., the oxygenate contributing the largest mass percent oxygen) or, alternatively, use the phrase “contains MTBE or other ethers.” In addition, any gasoline containing more than 0.15 mass percent oxygen from methanol shall be identified as “with” or “containing” methanol. This documentation is only for dispenser labeling purposes; it is the responsibility of any potential blender to determine the total oxygen content of the engine fuel before blending. (Amended 1996)

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